Statement regarding a proposed housing development within Rothersthorpe Parish

Statement regarding a proposed housing development within Rothersthorpe Parish

Rothersthorpe Parish Council have received concerning feedback by members of the community regarding a social media post published by Hunsbury Meadows Parish Council. The post stated that a proposed development of 1500 houses was to be built off of the Banbury Lane in Rothersthorpe.

I would like to take this opportunity to clarify the situation and would like to alleviate any concerns residents may have.

No planning application has been submitted through West Northamptonshire Council for a development of 1500 houses in Rothersthorpe, nor are the Parish Council or Ward Councillors aware of any such application.

In November 2021 Rothersthorpe Parish Council held a village meeting in response to the West Northamptonshire Strategic Plan (WNSP) consultation, specifically The shortlisted spatial option 1g site 228 South M1 Junction 15a – Employment. The Parish Council formally submitted its recommendations on Long Listed and Short Listed sites that would impact the Parish.

Long List Sites (229 & 80) within the Parish does equate to a circa 1500 house proposal but is NOT currently being pursued under the current phase of the WNC Strategic Plan.

Having spoken to the Clerk of Hunsbury Meadows Parish, their Parish Council published a social media statement following resident feedback they received.

It has become apparent that there is confusion between the outlying Strategic Plan Consultation and an independent submission of a planning application for the site in question. The WNC Consultation does not equate to a formal planning application.

The WNC Strategic Plan Public Consultation was open for feedback and closed on 24th December 2021 but Rothersthorpe Parish Council acknowledge the constructive comments made on the Hunsbury Meadows social media posts. We would urge if possible that all feedback, as well as feedback from Northants Ward Councillors can be passed to the WNC Strategic Plan Team for consideration.

To recap Rothersthorpe's involvement with the WNC strategic Plan please review our documents:

RPC Public Presentation 20/11/2021

RPC Response to WNC Strategic Plan

WNC Strategic Plan

If anyone has any further points to raise regarding this communication please contact the Parish Clerk in the first instance.

Going forward I would like to call for closer collaborative working with neighbouring Parish Councils to ensure better alignment when communicating strategic & planning proposals that impact our communities.

Frankie Gilkes

Chairman - Rothersthorpe Parish Council

Posted: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 22:05 by Frankie Gilkes

Tags: Development, News, Parish Council Response, WNC